What do I know? … well, sort of a lot.
Hi! I’m Thacher. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2013 and was not willing to give up my dreams of travel and adventure. With experience I’ve been able to figure out how to take on all sorts of trips and adventures, even with type 1… weekend trips, vacations, long-term international travel, hiking, climbing mountains, scuba diving and many more.
I’m not a doctor, CDE, nurse, or any other type of professional — I’m just a person who has lived it.
After I decided I wasn’t going to let diabetes stop me from traveling, it took me months of research and years of trial and error to find the methods, gear, and systems to enable me to travel and adventure safely. My goal is to be the friend I wish I had all those years ago… whether it’s a piece of advice or just a “yeah, I get it” — I want every type 1 diabetic to know that (with a little extra planning) any adventure is possible.
Nervous about traveling with type 1 diabetes?
Whether it’s figuring out how many supplies you need to pack, packing faster or getting through the airport with ease, I’ve got you covered. Enter your information below and I’ll send you my Type 1 Travel Kit so you can skip the years of trial and error and get on with having a great trip!